Thursday Lunchtimes

As you’ll  have  read  already, we meet at  1.00pm on  Thursday  lunch  times throughout the year  at the Tawny Owl  on  Thamesdown  Drive  (SN25 1WR) and we always try  to  end by  2.00pm.

If  you’re thinking of joining Rotary  in  Swindon, well there’s no  better time than  right now –  in the coming weeks we have  other  new members joining us and it  would be great  if you  feel  you’d like to as well!   If  nothing else if  you  came along  you’d be made very  welcome and you’d find out  more about us and what  we do.

 If  you’d like to  come along  to  a  meeting,   get  in  touch  with  our  secretary,  Steve who  will  give you more details.

This is what  we have coming up in the next  few weeks:

28th  November:  Mike Pringle will be our speaker : many  folk across the town know Mike who is in  charge of the wonderful  little museum at  Coate dedicated to  Swindon’s novelist, Richard Jefferies.

5th December: Our own Peter Wells will be giving us an update on “End Polio Now” – the world-wide venture to eradicate polio

12th December: Our monthly business meeting when we hear from our various committees. It will also be the occasional of the Special General Meeting when we elect officers for the coming Rotary year.

19th December: Some festive cheer following a Christmas meal: with Sheila Harrod and Julie Williams as members we are bound to be led in some seasonal songs!

26th December: No meeting – for fairly obvious reasons the club will not meet this week. So “Happy New Year!”